Sunday, June 29, 2008

Going for a stroll...

Micaiah loves going for walks around campus!
He especially loves to check out the donkeys and the new baby goat!
...and of course, the students!

Micaiah loves music!

Micaiah loves music!
He was singing, too, but you can't tell from this picture.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Some pictures from the school that we're at...

Here are a few pics of the campus that we're on...
This (above) is the chapel, where services are held daily.
(Prayer at 5 am, Morning Devotions at 8:30, Evening Bible Reading and Worship at 6:30).
(More on the Weekends).
Mike's classes are all there too, as the instruments generally stay in the chapel.
This is where the rest of the classes are held.

Above is the dining hall.

Here's the library...
...and Kai, checking out the stacks.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Beets, and a toothy smile!

Sorry it's such a short update for now, but here are a couple'a pics for you!
Kai loves beets and carrots, beets especially!
Kinda fuzzy, but really happy, 4 teeth and all.