Saturday, September 29, 2007

2007 Breastfeeding Challenge

Amanda and Kai

And now...the 2007 Breastfeeding Challenge!

"In May 2006, the Philippines, broke the Guinness World Record on Simultaneous Breastfeeding in a Single Site when they gathered 3,541 mothers with the City of Manila. They also created the First Guinness World Record on Simultaneous Breastfeeding in Multiple Sites when they gathered more than 20,000 mothers in more than 400 sites."

Canada celebrates World Breastfeeding Week from October 1-7.

To kick this off, mothers and babies at sites across Canada and the United States competed to set the record for the most babies breastfeeding at one time today. Official Latch-On Time for the count was 11:00 am.
Last year, the total number in the North America region was 4724 babies. The closest site to us was one of our favorite excursion points anyways, Ottawa! So we headed up to the St. Laurent Centre mall to join in! At this site we had 198 babies latched on at 11:00. The total North America count as of the time of my typing this is 4405 babies, with results not yet in from 96 sites. So it looks like last year's North America record will probably be surpassed, but most likely not the Guinness record this time, unless those yet to report have multiple thousands each. Still a valid attempt and a fun time, though!

Amanda and Micaiah, getting ready to begin.

An aerial shot of the event, thanks to the escalator.

11:00 : Babies, start your eating, and Mamas, raise your hand if and when he's latched on to be counted in the tally!

For more info on the Challenge, click here. It was fun!

Afterwards we went out for Sri Lankan food at Ceylonta, for the first time since 2 days before Micaiah was born. Ahh, Sri Lankan food.... :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Baby's First Canoe trip!!

Last week the weather was so gorgeous that we had to get out on the canoe! Amanda's Aunt Peg got Micaiah an Infant PDF (life jacket), and we got the chance to try it out on Thursday!

Micaiah was farely ambivalent and noncommittal about the whole thing, but we're sure it'll be a more exciting event once he's able to focus on things further away. As for now he was happy sitting on my lap with a slight warm breeze on his face. :) The adventure took us from the Parishville Firehall to Parishville Park, where Micaiah stopped for dinner before heading back. Not the longest of excursions, but for the first time canoeing at 5 weeks old, that's not bad!

We didn't realize how low the resolution is on our camera phone; next time we'll have to bring the actual camera. For now, though, here's this one! :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


He's started smiling contently lately, especially when we smile at him first! And this isn't the gassy baby thing...this is pure contentment!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

1 Month Old!!

Happy 1-Month Birthday, Micaiah!

It's crazy...I can't believe it's been a whole month, though it also feels like it was so long ago!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

3 Generations of MTB / M. Thomas Balonek!

Mark Thomas Balonek

Michael Thomas Balonek

Micaiah Thomas Balonek

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Today's Infant Dedication!

Today we had a Dedication ceremony for Micaiah at Koinonia Church in Potsdam!

What is an infant dedication you ask? Here’s the basic format that’s used (I’ll edit this post soon to give ours more precisely):

The dedication of children has its roots in God's Word. We see Hannah bringing young Samuel to the Lord and dedicating him to God's service. Mary and Joseph also brought the baby Jesus to the temple to present him to the Lord, and fulfill the law. It is fitting that these parents bring NAME before the Lord in the presence of this congregation to dedicate themselves and NAME to God and his service. In so doing, there is no claim that this child is automatically a Christian. That can only happen when NAME comes to a responsible age and responds in HIS/HER own heart to the Lord with repentance and faith.

Charge to the Parents
PARENTS, in presenting this child (your children) for dedication you not only signify your faith in Christ and the Christian way of life, but you also indicate your desire that HE/SHE should grow to know the Lord and live a Christian life.
You come with thanks in your hearts for the little life which God has placed in your care.
But, in order for this dedication to be complete, it is necessary for you, not only to thank God, but to say to Him, "We give back to Thee, Lord, that which is really Thine own. Make of HIM/HER what Thou wilt. Use HIM/HER in Thy will until the day that Thou shalt take HIM/HER to be with thyself."
You can do nothing better than to put the child in God's hands, for only God knows what possibilities there are wrapped up in this little life. And only God can develop in this life all the possibilities that are there.

And you have still another responsibility in addition to that of surrendering the child to God. Just as Moses was given back to his mother, Jochebed, to rear as a son of Pharaoh's daughter, so will this child be given back to you to rear for God. You will need to pass on to the child the things which God tells you to teach HIM/HER. You will need to be willing to do God's will when it crosses your own. And you will need to be willing to surrender the child to whatever ministry God may choose for HIM/HER in years to come.
If you are willing, join me now in prayer of dedication.

Parental Vows:
Do you as parents promise:

-To pray regularly for the child, throughout their life.
-To bring the child up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord To be godly examples
-To provide spiritual training in prayer and study of the Bible with family devotions
-To share with them, when they are at an age of understanding and responsibility, the Gospel of Christ, and direct them in responding to God's call of repentance and faith.
-To be faithful in involvement as a family in church worship, fellowship, training, and service.
-To so love, set the example, and instruct the child in character development of love, honesty, faithfulness, modesty, servanthood, gentleness, diligence, patience, and self-control
-To protect the child from ungodly influences and pressures of the world which they are not ready and mature enough to handle.

-For the couple, the family, their spiritual heritage from grandparents, the child, the opportunity of stewardship with such a life,
-For wisdom, love, patience and strength for the parents to fulfill their responsibilities.
-For God to soften the child's heart to the gospel and lead them to repentance and faith.
-For protection and safety from physical harm and spiritual attack.

That's the basic format at least. We were really happy to make this commitment today before God and His people.
Also great today was that my parents, Amanda's parents, and Aunt Diane all came up for it!! Afterwards, we all went to our apartment and had Chinese from Golden Phoenix in Rochester (they make Gluten Free Chinese food!!), and Amanda's dad fixed the bench to our kitchen table! It was really great seeing them all, and talking and laughing with everyone...I'm just sorry we didn't get any pictures of this afternoon was great! Thanks for coming up!