Thursday, December 17, 2009


Another post'a'pics

In Reverse Chronological order for the most part...
Here's Kai and his buddy Josiah.
Kai was SO sad that they moved today...and try as hard as we could, this was as close as we could get to a picture where one of the two of them was not on the move!!
Static Electricity Boy!!
Kai LOVES his kitty!
Helping with the laundry...
Helping decorate our tree
The awesome tree that God provided (we weren't going to get one, but at church one Sunday, someone brought 5 extras that he had for anyone who wanted one!! So we and our "suite-mates" have a tree now!)
Kai likes Gluten free brownies!!
Guess who was helping with the baking?

"Triangle Kai, Triangle Shirt!"
Sesame street has a "Triangle Bob, Triangle Pants" sketch that Kai loves watching. He decided he wanted to be "Triangle Kai, Triangle Shirt," so he, Bella, and Amanda made Triangles for his clothes Here's us canoeing on 11/06 - what we thought would be the last time of the season
...and here's us on what did wind up being our last time out, November 23rd!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So as it turns out, the weekend we were camping was the only snow that we've had this autumn, of course!
Here's some fun in the leaves.

Halloween Day: We made hiking staffs!


On Oct 31, Lowry Nature Center had a day helping get rid of Invasive Plant species AND leaving with a great craft! We helped cut down/pull up large amounts of Buckthorn, & then went back to the Nature Center and made hiking staffs!

Now that it's Nov, 24th...Halloween Update!!

Yeah, so we're a bit slow on updating if you (somehow) haven't noticed...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chilly Camping!

This past weekend we went camping in MN's North Shore, at Split Rock Lighthouse State Park! One of Kai's 2 favorite books of all time is The Little Red Lighthouse, so he LOVED it!!
Our campsite's lovely location
Kai's FAVORITE part of camping: roasting marshmallows!!!

We did some Geocaching too...Kai found the "treasure!"

Friday, October 2, 2009

Randomness from our week

Here are some random snippets from our week. The first batch: the playground on campus!

Last weekend we went to part of the annual "Prairie Home Companion Street Dance," where Mike got to go on stage with Garrison Keillor! This is him signing some autographs in the background (about 2 minutes after he patted Micaiah's very wet bottom and didn't say a thing!!! Also interesting - he knows Potsdam, NY, even that they had a pretty ice storm about 10 years ago!).
Today we went to Silverwood Park for their Family Fireside First Friday event (this one Harvest Moon related since it's in 2 days). After Mike led about 60 people in some (silly but fun) moon-related sing-a-long songs, they had a scientific "lesson" if you will about the harvest moon, read a few stories, and had a shadow puppet show! Afterwards, the kids got to make their own shadow puppets and try them out on the backlit "stage." Kai LOVED it!! He (with Amanda's help of course) made a bird and a tractor!
Earlier today Kai napped at the table for about 45 minutes, woke up, and finished eating as if he hadn't fallen asleep!! He then asked for a hug, and as I picked him up, he fell back to sleep! What a sleepy boy! :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kai had a lot of fun helping peel the apples & make the apple sauce!

More photos of this 2 posts ago.

This video makes Kai crack up every time he sees it...literally, belly laugh hillarity for toddlers right here!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Minnesota: September in Review

We've been having fun in Minnesota!
Kai's Bed (with Train sheets & pillow, Kitty Blanket, and Sunshine Blanket)

One night while playing with Lincoln Logs, Kai, entirely on his own, Kai decided to make a campfire and roast marshmallows! (Note the red fire in the middle...which HE put there on his own gumption!!! Wow!!!!)
We all went raspberry picking, and then went home & made jam! Here's Kai picking raspberries, and then helping mash them, and then eating the jam!

We've been having fun Geocaching, where we go and "find treasure!"

So one day, Kai asked us to write "K A I" on the board (he recites ("K-A-I spells Kai").
So we did.
And Kai (for the first time ever, and without our showing him how or anything) TRACED the letters!
We've also been able to get out canoeing! Yay!!

We got out to Borders Books, & Kai was excited to listen to some music!
We also went apple picking...and then made applesauce!!