Kai's Bed (with Train sheets & pillow, Kitty Blanket, and Sunshine Blanket)
One night while playing with Lincoln Logs, Kai, entirely on his own, Kai decided to make a campfire and roast marshmallows! (Note the red fire in the middle...which HE put there on his own gumption!!! Wow!!!!)
We all went raspberry picking, and then went home & made jam! Here's Kai picking raspberries, and then helping mash them, and then eating the jam!
We've been having fun Geocaching, where we go and "find treasure!"
So one day, Kai asked us to write "K A I" on the board (he recites ("K-A-I spells Kai").
So we did.
And Kai (for the first time ever, and without our showing him how or anything) TRACED the letters!
We've also been able to get out canoeing! Yay!!
We got out to Borders Books, & Kai was excited to listen to some music!
We also went apple picking...and then made applesauce!!
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