Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Funny Sticker

The sticker on the side of the baby swing that says "3 Position Adjustable Toybar" is apparantly both fascinating and hillarious!! Kai spent at least 15 minutes looking at it, laughing at it, talking to it, and being just plain amused by it! Here's a short video of his cute & funny little chirp of a laugh as he looks at the sticker.

They say that at the early stages children first start really looking at and appreciating black against white and huge contrasts like that; I guess this is proof - the sticker is just plain black & white with a small arrow in it too - and it's apparantly fascinating!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

He's Now 2 Months Old!!!

Taken Oct. 16, 2007 (at 11:30 pm, when he woke up and we realized we didn't have any "birthday pics," hence all the sleepy faces.

Happy 2-Month Birthday, Kai!!

Happy Boy!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Time for a ride in the car!

He's just so cute I had to add this one.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Canoeing - this time with the real camera!

Out again in Parishville, this time with the camera!!
Today he's 7 weeks old!!