Friday, February 29, 2008
Rickshaws and Mint Chips
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Hello from Tarzan baby!

We've mentioned that the bathrooms here have one of two options, but it's easier to show this in pictures. One option is the "Western-style" toilet (which we have at our place). The other is this, the "Indian-style" toilet, still porcelin, not just a hole, but as seen above. Note the grooved footrests on either side for ease in, well, I'll stop there. The trains actually have 2 options too...there really is one stall labeled "Western Style," and one labeled "Indian Style."
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Banana Day!!!

Unfortunately, it seems he does not like bananas.
He LOVED mishing it around on the table, though!
We had a video to place here, but it's too big to load at the internet cafe's in the amount of time that we've had. Sometime when we have 2 or 3 hours to spend we'll try again uploading the shorter video. When this happens it'll be a new post, so you won't have to keep checking backwards to see if it's here yet. :)
A nice relaxing nap under the pomegranite tree after a big morning
Continuing yesterday's pictoral view of our apartment, here's the study...
...and the bathroom!!! Yaaay!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Hello out there!

Hello! Just leaving a quick post for now so that y'all don't think we dropped off of the face of the planet. No, it's going well you can see from Kai's response to being here below:

Especially since he'll be six months, and thus Kai tries mashed bananas soon...